About TAFE - Holistic Wellness Center

Raquel Finol

Raquel Finol has degree in Architecture from a Venezuelan university. She is also an interior designer and has been recognized with multiple National Awards in Venezuela both as an architect and as an interior designer.

Raquel Finol - Feng Shui DesignerRaquel was exposed to Oriental cultures and became interested in how the flow of energy through the places were we live and work influences our lives, and pursued studies in traditional Feng Shui.

The combination of these three degrees allows her to approach every project with a very interesting perspective, creating amazing holistic designs for multiple products including websites, letterheads, business cards, holistic jewelry, holistic art and energy protections. These customized holistic products designed with positive energy and your own energy pattern, will help your business strive and prosper!

Raquel also offers consultant services to advice business entrepreneurs on the changes they need to incorporate to maximize profits and to architects on how to approach the design and construction of new buildings to make them “Feng Shui friendly”. Among other certificates she has are “Corporate Communications”, “Quality Control in Engineer and Job Inspection”, “Real Estate Appraisals” and “Self Esteem and Personal Success Workshops”.

Raquel Finol has obtained multiple holistic-related certificates, including:

  • Feng Shui
  • Energy Healing
  • Chakra Clearing
  • Reiki
  • Candles


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